Crimson Fantasies

Experiences, bletherings and stories based on dreams, fantasies or whoknowswhat. The DIY spanking blog. When the urge is greater than the given opportunities one must take things in one's own hands...


Double spanking

I'm living in a fantasy world at the moment. I've got the house for myself for the past two days and that means... a very sore bottom. It's great!

I've got this historical fiction story going on with three sisters and their father (their mother died when they were very young), set some four hundred years ago in rural Scotland. My favorite character is the youngest sister, a carefree lass whose dream is to become a warrior. Yesterday I was this lass.

Once my home made strap and the bath brush had given me a nice tanning and I'd reached the point where you can do pretty much anything to my butt and I won't flinch, that's when the game begun.

Eileen, the young teen sister aka me, lay on my bed sulking because Jo, the 25 year old sister in charge, wanted her to take in the laundry. But I was busy practice fencing! So I told Jo to sod off and stamped off to my room. I was a bit anxious tho, 'cos if Jo told da I would be in trouble. I heard the door open and saw Jo come in but I didn't look further, just turned my back to her. Jo scolded me for not helping out, escaping my duty and being disrespectful.
"If da was here he would take you to the stable, you know that."
I did. Whenever he thought it necessary to punish either one of us - mostly me, truth to be told - he ordered us to the stable where we were to bend over a fence while he skelped our backside with his belt. Needless to say I was glad he was off to the hills today.

Then Jo lectured me on my attitude and disrespectful behaviour. My belly churned cos' she reached her arm over my turned body and waived the wooden bath brush warningly, and I couldn't avoid seeing it.
"Lower your breeches, Eileen." Jo said sharply.
I flinched, turned and protested that she couldn't beat me, she was not my mother.
"Would you rather take it from me or da?"
That settled it. After having shot her an angry look I thrust myself on my belly and after a moment's hesitation lowered my breeches, which everyone thought was a disgrace that I wore since I was a girl but which I insisted on wearing 'cos it was easier to fight in.

Jo dealt me a sharp SPLAT with the brush on my left cheek, then my right. In a steady pace the sharp SPLATs echoed between the stone walls as Jo warmed my bum. I bit my lip and grimaced and couldn't help squirming from the smarting brush, but I didn't dare move out of the way, I simply pressed myself to the bed and strained my legs in turn.
"Don't you ever use that language to me again, Eileen." Jo reprimanded once the SPLATs stopped.
Tearfully and very solemn I turned my head and apologised, promising I wouldn't. Jo smiled and accepted my apology, then left. I turned my head into the pillow and sobbed, feeling my bottom smart and tingle. I pulled up my breeches and lay there feeling sorry for myself.

A while later (some hours in my fantasy) the door opened again. I didn't turn, thinking it was Jo again.
"Mandy told me some very sad news." Da said.
Mandy was our house keeper and it didn't surprise me that she'd been telling on me. I immediately argued defensively that Fiona, our middle sister, didn't do anything and that I'd taken in water and firewood and needed to practice my fencing and that Jo always asked me to do everything and... Of course, once I took a breath da pointed out that I did very little around the castle and mostly were off on my adventures. He also said that the laundry was the minor thing, but that he simply couldn't accept me being disrespectful to my sister. She was in charge when he was away and I knew it. Of course I did. I bowed my head in shame.

Then I heard something very worringly, I heard dad unbuckle his sword belt. I shot up my head and with my eyes wide open I protested that I'd already apologised and that Jo was fine with it.
"That's all very well, lass, but I still mean to give you a good tanning. On the belly with you."
I protested again but da cut me short by raising his eyebrows and calmly saying:
"Or would you prefer to have it done in the stable?"
I didn't. In the stable everyone could hear what was going on. Sighing deeply I turned on my belly.
"Breeches down, lass." Da reminded. He always punished me on the bare. I angrily lowered my breeches for the second time that day.

There was a pause.
"Someone's been at you already?" Da asked concerned.
"Jo took the brush to me." I muttered.
Da was silent for a moment but then said he was glad she did. He didn't seem to change his mind though, 'cos shortly after his belt smacked down and left a smarting stripe across my bottom. My already sore bottom smarted tremendously with each whack. I sobbed and yelped in my pillow, kicking my feet in agony.

When the spanking was over da told me to take in the laundry before dinner. I nodded in my pillow and sobbed "yes, da" although I still thought it was unfair that I had to do it. But I felt in no position to object. Da left and I lay on my side, sobbing and feeling my behind smart - and felt sorry for myself for the second time that day.

Later in the evening my bottom was still red with crescent shaped bruises after the day's spankings. No fret, I enjoyed it. I enjoyed lying in bed in the evening feeling my sore bottom, playing more scenarios in my head.

Now, the next day, the redness is gone but the crescent shaped bruises are there and my bottom is sore. And as soon as I've finished writing I'll give myself another tanning before I go on holiday. I expect the flight to be a gingerly affair. :-)
